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Feb 26, 2021

Full Moon Meditation February 2021

Happy full moon in Virgo! This 15 - minute guided full moon meditation is for EVERY sign and includes energy healing and channeled visualizations.

Journaling Prompts:
1. How did it feel to connect to the larger aspect of who you really are?
2. What color was the energy that first...

Feb 19, 2021

Meditation for When You're Feeling Good - Celebration Meditation - Meditation for Celebrating 

This non-traditional guided meditation is designed to help you increase your frequency when you're already happy and feeling good. This is for those times you want to celebrate something and keep that happy energy going! So if...

Feb 13, 2021

Feel Good Now - 4 Min Meditation to Feel Empowered and On the Right Path

This short ASMR affirmation meditation is a quick picker-upper any time you need an emotional boost. It can be listened to while sitting in stillness or while going for a walk or doing any other safe activity (no operating heavy machinery and...

Feb 9, 2021

New Moon In Aquarius 2021 Ritual + 10 min meditation + Journaling set to 741 Hz for spiritual development and spiritual awakening.

Welcome to this new moon in Aquarius meditation for the new moon on Feb 11th 2021. This new moon guided meditation is only 10 minutes long and makes the perfect companion for a new moon...

Feb 4, 2021

You Can Live a Miraculous Life - Positive Message Meditation

One of the most powerful affirmations we can say is: "I CAN"

Notice the difference in your body when you say "I can" vs "I can't"

Not only are you capable of living a miraculous life, miracles are your BIRTHRIGHT and it is my hope that with this...