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Dec 2, 2022

Open your mind even further, you broad-minded beauty, and feel your oneness with all as you affirm over and over in an almost rhythmic and hypnotic way: "My Mind is Everything."


Also, THANK YOU, we broked 200k downloads recently! Thanks for making me feel like people are enjoying. I'd like to say I could do this...

Nov 2, 2022

I got c o v i d 6 weeks ago and it transformed into pneumonia. I was unable to speak or really move for most of that time. Seeing a daily email that Incandescent was in the top 40 charts for mental health in Afghanistan made me feel an urgency to record when I got my voice back. It's still coming back but today I...

Aug 17, 2022

Lately I've been feeling the "I" as the whole, the everything (God), and the "am" as the little me and my expression of it. This combo of words has felt in and of itself so comforting and helpful. Hope this serves you too.




How to get meditations every week from Marisa Imon for free:



Aug 5, 2022

Arcturian Message for Ascension (Great for Lionsgate Portal!)

I obviously can't say this is 100% channeled from Arcturian guides, but I can say that's 100% what it feels like to me, though I still have a lot to learn.

I originally channeled this message just for myself, but it seems to me that many of us feel as though...